Colectivo Cultural Los de Allá

Degree in Psychology from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), graduated with Honors. 

Stands out her work in Educación Especial with children. 

Teacher in primary education since 2018. 

She continues hes training through different courses and diplomas in Lenguaje de Señas Mexicano (mexican sign language) that allows her to generate inclusive processes with the communities and specific groups with which she works. 

She is currently part of the podcast Hacia ningún lado

She collaborates with the Colectivo Cultural Los de Allá since 2022.

Mexico City, 1977. 

Ludwik Margules, David Hevia, Raúl Zermeño, José Caballero, among others, are her great Masters. 

Beneficiary of the Creadores Escénicos program in two oportunities. In 2021 she was awarded the prize My life in the theater, recognition of the trajectory and excellence in the performing arts. Quetzalcóatl 2021 granted by the Coordinación Nacional de Teatro of the Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura. 

She participates in about 20 productions at a professional level, among which stand ¿Duermen los peces? Directed by Aracelia Guerrero, El Pagliacho Directed by Raúl Zamora, Ohtli Directed by Jennifer Moreno. 

Her scenic work is seen in Santa Marta, Medellín, Bogotá, Cali and Ibague (Colombia), in Caracas (Venezuela), in Santiago de Chile (Chile) in Paris (France), in Arens de Lledó and Seville (Spain), and in Shanghai and Xiamen (China). 

She performs in the play Tlaloques, extranjeros y otros mensajeros Directed by Josué Cabrera, and since 2022 she joins the Colectivo Cultural Los de Allá.

Currently, she is part of the stable cast of the Compañía Nacional de Teatro de México.

Learn more about Adriana on her social networks:

Performer, dance and theater teacher. 

He studies at the Colegio de Literatura Dramática y Teatro of UNAM

He works as an actor in different stagings with directors such as David Psalmon, David Jiménez Sánchez, Arnaud Charpentier, Alberto Villarreal, Diego Álvarez Robledo, Ángel Rubio, Izmir Gallardo. 

Founding member of the dance school of Casino El Clan and teacher of this discipline for more than 7 years. 

He teaches theater workshops and about reading promotion for CDMX primary and secondary schools and, since 2014, he offers Forum Theater workshops (Theater of the oppressed) in different communities in Mexico and Cuba. 

In 2018, he makes presentations and give workshops in the Reclusorio Norte in CDMX, as well as in different centers for minors in conditions of deprivation of their liberty as part of the Colectivo Arte Sin Frontera. In 2021 and 2022, he also teaches a performing arts workshop at the women’s area of the CERESO (prison) in Cancun

In 2017 he films his first feature length film: Broken Streaks written and directed by Arturo Nuñez. 

He participates making beats in the Casa de las Flores Serie (Manolo Caro), BRONCO La serie (Max Zunino and Conrado Martínez), and in Territorio (Andrés Clariond). 

He collaborates in the Sistema de Teatros de la CDMX, first as Coordination Assistant and then as the Coordinator of the Itinerant Forum El Blanquito and the Foro A Poco No (2012-2014). He develops the logistics of the first broadcast of the program Theatre in public squares, Theater in your neighborhood.

He ventures as a playwright and director with the staging Tlaloques, extranjeros y otros mensajeros. He is part of the Colectivo Cultural Los de Allá since 2022. 

Learn more about Josué on his social networks.

Producer, performer, has a degree in Public and Institutional Relations by de Faculty of Communications and Design in UADE, and she specializes in Performing Arts Administration in the Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)

Workshop facilitator for Teatro Forum (Theater of the Oppressed)

Participates in presentations in the public space, audiovisual, among other cultural and artistic projects. 

In Argentina and Mexico, she works as an independent theater producer, in plays such as Puto Directed by Alejandro Mateo, Picnic 1955 Directed by Diego Kogan, Baja Costura Directed by Mariano Caligaris, Okanjore Directed by Angel Rubio. 

She collaborates with cultural ollectives such as Periplo, Ofrendas Urbanas, Mujeres de Artes Tomar, TeatroSinParedes and Arte Sin Frontera

She performed in the play Tlaloques, extranjeros y otros mensajeros Directed by Josué Cabrera, and is part of the Colectivo Cultural Los de Allá since 2022.